MIBRAG Consulting International GmbH Mining


Geology and deposit assessment

The successful development and exploitation of mineral deposits depend on a comprehensive exploration and evaluation of each site’s complex geological and hydrogeological conditions.

Based on our long-term experience in the field of mining, we provide mining companies and organisations with the following services:

  • Preparation, implementation and evaluation of exploration measures using modern software analysis tools
  • Physical and chemical analyses of solid fuels and residues in our MIBRAG-owned accredited laboratory and partner facilities
  • JORC Code compliant classification of geological resources and technical and economic reserves
Mibrag Consulting International - Geology and deposit assessment

Geotechnics and hydrogeology

The basic requirement for a safe mine operation is the control of the inflows and outflows of groundwater and surface water as well as the geotechnical features.

Our services for your company are:

  • Hydrogeological and geotechnical investigations
  • Water and soil analyses
  • Groundwater modelling
  • Drainage planning and planning of water treatment plants
  • Geotechnical calculations
  • Geotechnical and hydrological mine monitoring
  • Planning and modelling of vertical hydraulic seals
Mibrag Consulting International - Geotechnics and hydrogeology

Mine Planning

In the field of mine planning the essential components of a mining project are coordinated and interconnected. The planner must do both consider the geological, hydrogeological and geotechnical site conditions as well as select the suitable equipment.

Environmental aspects, recultivation services and necessary monitoring measures also belong to the overall concepts of mine planning.

We provide your company with the following services:

  • Optimising opencast mining using modern modelling software with the defined geotechnical and hydrogeological parameters
  • Developing tailor-made open-pit designs
  • Planning the use of the necessary extraction, transport and tipping systems
  • Developing operational as well as long-term dismantling plans
  • Analysing already active opencast mines (brown fields) or field extensions to ensure efficient mining
Mibrag Consulting International - Mine Planning

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