MIBRAG Consulting International GmbH Recultivation

Environmental Services


Lignite Mining profoundly changes landscapes. After the closure of the opencast mines and the associated operating areas, large areas of land must be re-cultivated for the subsequent use for agriculture, forestry and nature conservation.

Our customers benefit from the know-how of the entire corporate group:

  • Planning of open pit recultivation including renaturation strategies for former mining sites
  • Development of strategies for further land use
  • Waste and wastewater treatment in mine operations
  • Preparation of recultivationconcepts for later marketing
  • Technical and economic flooding strategies for emerging open pit lakes
  • Geotechnical evaluations of post-mining landscapes
  • Preparation of supply chain concepts relating to renewable energies (wind farms and solar parks)
Mibrag Consulting International - Recultivation
Mibrag Consulting International - Recultivation


Since radionuclides of the naturally decaying elements uranium-238, uranium-235 and thorium-232 occur as traces in all rocks and ores, natural radionuclides are commonly unintentionally introduced into industrial processes or even enriched in material flows.

These traces and residues of natural radionuclides are referred to as NORM residues (“Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials”) resulting possibly in increased radiation exposure for employees and the general public.

The StrSchG and StrSchV regulate the handling of NORM residues. Within the framework of the legal requirements, MCI offers, among others, the evaluation and risk assessment of NORM residues, the exposure assessment and calculation of suspected increased radiation exposure as well as the monitoring of construction and decommissioning measures with radiologically contaminated materials (applications and instructions under radiation protection law, procedures for the release of waste from radiation protection law, specialist monitoring).

Mibrag Consulting International - Radiology
Mibrag Consulting International - Radiology

Contaminated site assessment and investigation

In accordance with the BBodSchV, the processing of suspected contaminated sites (historical sites or waste deposits) is carried out in stages in order to be able to adapt and, if necessary, increase the depth of investigation and level of detail when investigating, verifying and assessing harmful soil changes.

Within the framework of the BBodSchG and the BBodSchV, MCI offers, among others, the assessment of potential hazards, the monitoring of remediation, recultivation and revitalization measures, soil management and the investigation of contaminated sites. The work is supervised by a §18 expert in accordance with the BBodSchG.

Contaminated site assessment and investigation
Contaminated site assessment and investigation

Waste management

In the context of the newly introduced ErsatzbaustoffV and the amended GewAbfV and DepV as well as the KrWG, the topic of sustainable recycling of waste is increasingly coming to the foreground of both politics and society.

MCI can offer, among others, the compiling of demolition and disposal concepts, specialist supervision and the compiling of disposal and recycling concepts.


Mibrag Consulting International - Waste management

With the certification as a safety and health coordinator in accordance with §3 of the BaustellV, aspects of safety and health are always taken into account. As former head of a Environment, Soil and Contaminated Sites division, Sebastian Hobler has the necessary knowledge and experience and will gladly answer any questions.

As MIBRAG Consulting International GmbH, we want to support national partners in these new business areas in addition to our international activities and look forward to new opportunities for project work in Germany.


Sebastian Hobler

MIBRAG Consulting International GmbH
Glück-Auf-Straße 1
D-06711 ZEITZ

Phone  +49 (0) 3441 684-587
Mobile  +49 1516 1591567

Email    sebastian.hobler@mibrag-consulting.de
Web     www.mibrag-consulting.de

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