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26 March 2021
Professional Conference and onsite visit "Mining of Russia and CIS: Construction and Modernisation"
From March 3 to March 24, 2021, Kursk hosted an international conference and technical visit with the topic “Mining industry in Russia and the CIS: construction and modernization”.
Mikhailovsky GOK acted as a strategic partner. The event was held with the support of the Kursk Region Administration and the personal participation of the Governor of the Kursk Region, Roman Starovoit.
More than 200 heads of leading enterprises of the mining industry – mining companies, investors, suppliers of equipment and technologies, took part in the event.
The business program of the first day of the conference was concludedwith a discussion of technical directors on the topic “How to optimize production processes?” As part of the discussion, Maxim Vorona, Mining Director, MIBRAG Consulting International GmbH shared his experience in consulting in project management for mining enterprises. The topic of the session turned out to be extremely relevant and caused a heated discussion among the participants. They touched upon topics such as justification of capital expenditures, decision-making in the field of modernization of production facilities and digital transformation. Methods used at specific enterprises were actively discussed: schemes for reducing the carbon footprint, reducing energy consumption, reducing technological chains.
A lot of questions from the audience made it a very interactive discussion.