19 July 2024
One of our key services is to find the best way to improve technical availability and reliability of large-scale mining and stockyard equipment for our customers around the world.
In July 2024 one of the largest coal companies worldwide commissioned MIBRAG Consulting International GmbH to conduct a technical audit of its stockyard equipment (a part of the IPCC system). The tasks focused on the overview of the engineering documentation, the main design parameters, the analysis of disruptions in operation and the inspection of the current technical status of the machines onsite. We provided recommendations for the improvement of the technical availability and reliability and how to increase the capacity.
The next step to achieve the production targets will be the modernisation and optimisation of the main machine units based on the provided recommendations.
We thank our experts Mr. Marcel Hein (Head of Department for Operation Control and Mechanical Maintenance at MIBRAG GmbH) and Mr. Sergei Evstratenko (Project Manager at MIBRAG Consulting International GmbH) for their commitment and competence.